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Leicester Magician – Making Events Better Than Ever

Leicester Magician

Making Events Better Than Ever in Leicester

Robert Fox will give your event the entertainment edge because he is the number one magician in Leicester. Events are put on for any number of reasons, yet no matter what the reason may be, they are all in need of entertainment. Entertainment is not supposed to be simply background music to be played quietly to not interrupt the guests during their mingling and small talk. If all a party or event were about was small talk, most events would last just an hour at the most, but when you are paying out a lot of money for an event, you want to make certain that all the guests stay for a long time and enjoy themselves throughout the evening, so the need for quality entertainment is paramount – so hire Leicester magician Robert Fox.

Intimate Affairs

When we think of events being held throughout Leicester we often thing of large scale events at venues such as The Grand Hotel or The Kube. These events host sometimes thousands of people with multiple entertainment acts throughout the evening and mountains of food for all the guests, but these events are not the only events we will get the opportunity to attend throughout the year. More often than not, you will be invited to more intimate gatherings between friends and business contacts. Although these events may not be as large scale as some of the others, they still deserve the best entertainment available.

Robert Fox can make any gathering a memorable affair because he is not just your everyday stage performing magician. He is the number one magician in Leicester that can take even the smallest of events and turn it into the event of the year. Your intimate gathering may be just a few friends getting together, but for it to be memorable you need to have more going on than just dinner and small talk. Robert Fox has the ability to make a simple dinner party last all night with wild close up magic entertainment that will have your guests wondering how he just did that.

Trade Shows

Businesses require the collecting of new customers to grow. Once a company is unable to gain access to new customers it will quickly fail. Although there are a number of ways to reach new customers with traditional marketing strategies, more and more businesses are turning to events such as trade shows where they are able to get up close and personal with potential customers. The draw to these trade shows is the fact that the business owner is able actually put their marketing materials into the hands of their customers, but just because the customers are at the event does not mean that they will take the time to stop by your booth. That is unless you have Robert Fox in your corner.

Robert Fox is not just a magician that is able to perform for large crowds and for high end events. He is also a remarkably effective attraction at your trade show booth. Your customers will line up to see his amazing close up magic tricks and also his ability to read your mind. Yes, Robert Fox is also an accomplished mind reader that can astound crowds at any trade show event. Your new customers will be drawn to your booth through Robert Fox’s charisma and commitment to his craft. He will amaze and inspire all while getting you the new customer base you have been wanting. The best business understands the value of utilizing the best and Robert Fox is the best magician Leicester has to offer, so the next time you have a trade show coming up, consider how this magician can help you grow your business.

Do Not Take Our Word for It

Robert Fox has not only performed his amazing feats of magic for events throughout Leicester, but has also gained some credibility from some of the most famous faces around. Barbara Windsor stated, “Always delightful and superb at what he does.” Robert Fox has also entertained many other celebrities such as Alan Carr, Chris Martin, and Sharon Osborn just to name a few. There are many magicians in Leicester, but none will leave you with the delightful memories and desire to see more quite like Robert Fox

Robert Fox has worked diligently and for many years honing his magical craft to ensure that all his tricks appear flawless both while on stage as well as in a small group setting. His passion is magic and the ability to entertain people and it shows within his performance. Robert Fox is passionate about all things within the magic industry and has proven time and time again that he is the best magician in Leicester. Give him the opportunity to show you his ability to entertain the next time you plan any event. The best events have the best entertainment and Robert Fox is the Leicester magician that you have been waiting for.

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